PE Civil Geotechnical Study Products
Passing the PE Civil exam is a pivotal step in a civil engineer's career. A PE license is mandatory for consulting, owning a firm, stamping and sealing designs, and other activities. Shop individual products for the PE Civil Breadth and Geotechnical Depth portions of the exam below.
Master Your PE Civil Geotechnical Exam with Our Comprehensive Digital eTextbook Bundle
This comprehensive collection of resources was designed for thorough coverage of the PE Civil Geotechnical exam. The review materials in this bundle cover the current exam specifications, contain thorough coverage of geotechnical engineering principles and codes, and include numerous practice problems to challenge your knowledge of those concepts.
- Six-Minute Solutions for the Civil PE Exam: Geotechnical Depth Problems: This book contains over 100 multiple-choice problems representative of the NCEES PE Civil Geotechnical Exam format, scope of topics, and level of difficulty.
- Geotechnical Depth Practice Exams for the PE Civil Exam: This book contains 80 practice exam questions representative of the NCEES PE Civil Geotechnical Exam format, scope of topics, and level of difficulty.
- Site Characteristics
- Soil Mechanics, Laboratory Testing, and Analysis
- Construction Observation, Monitoring, and Quality Assurance/Quality Control 6–9 and Safety
- Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Loads
- Earth Structures, Ground Improvement, and Pavement
- Groundwater and Seepage
- Problematic Soil and Rock Conditions
- Retaining Structures (ASD or LRFD)
- Shallow Foundations (ASD or LRFD)
- Deep Foundations (ASD or LRFD)
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
Master Your PE Civil Geotechnical Exam with Our Comprehensive Print Bundle
This comprehensive collection of resources was designed for thorough coverage of the PE Civil Geotechnical exam. The review materials in this bundle cover the current exam specifications, contain thorough coverage of geotechnical engineering principles and codes, and include numerous practice problems to challenge your knowledge of those concepts.
- Six-Minute Solutions for the Civil PE Exam: Geotechnical Depth Problems: This book contains over 100 multiple-choice problems representative of the NCEES PE Civil Geotechnical Exam format, scope of topics, and level of difficulty.
- Geotechnical Depth Practice Exams for the PE Civil Exam: This book contains 80 practice exam questions representative of the NCEES PE Civil Geotechnical Exam format, scope of topics, and level of difficulty.
- NCEES PE Civil Engineering: Geotechnical Practice Exam: This official NCEES publication provides test practice exam problems for the PE Civil Geotechnical exam.
- Casio FX-115 ES Plus Advanced Scientific Calculator: Prepare for your exam with the versatile Casio FX-115 ES Plus calculator—accepted by the NCEES for all exams.
- Site Characteristics
- Soil Mechanics, Laboratory Testing, and Analysis
- Construction Observation, Monitoring, and Quality Assurance/Quality Control 6–9 and Safety
- Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Loads
- Earth Structures, Ground Improvement, and Pavement
- Groundwater and Seepage
- Problematic Soil and Rock Conditions
- Retaining Structures (ASD or LRFD)
- Shallow Foundations (ASD or LRFD)
- Deep Foundations (ASD or LRFD)
Available in Print or eTextbook
Michael R. Lindeburg, PE’s PE Civil Reference Manual, 16th Edition (CERM16) is the only reference you need to prepare for the Breadth portion of the PE Civil exam. This comprehensive manual follows NCEES exam specifications and addresses complex topics by parsing them into condensed, understandable, readable sections. Offering a complete review of all exam topics, this reference manual is up-to-date to the current exam specifications and design standards, and employs instructional design to enable comprehensive understanding that builds exam confidence. The PE Civil exam is a 9-hour, closed-book computer-based test (CBT) that is now offered year-round at approved Pearson Vue testing centers. Use this reference manual to fully prepare for the exam.
Features include:
- Complete exam review for the Breadth portion of the PE Civil exam
- Brief overview of each afternoon Depth exam
- Up-to-date codes including: AASHTO, HCM, IBC, ACI and more
- Recommendations for a study schedule to keep you on track
- Exam tips for exam-day readiness
Add on the PE Civil Companion for the 16th Edition as a convenient side-by-side companion offering a comprehensive index with thousands of entries covering all topics; over 100 appendices; and over 550 common civil engineering definitions.
Pair this reference manual with PE Civil Practice Problems for a comprehensive review, and the PE Civil Study Guide to maximize your problem-solving efficiency and build exam-day readiness.
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
After you pass
PE Civil Reference Manual, 16th Edition will serve as an invaluable reference throughout your civil engineering career.
Sample PDFs
Available in Print or eTextbook
PE Civil Study Guide, Seventeenth Edition provides a strategic and targeted approach to exam preparation so that you gain a competitive edge. With hundreds of entries containing helpful explanations, derivations of equations, and exam tips, the Study Guide connects the NCEES exam specifications for all five PE Civil exams to the NCEES Handbook, approved design standards, and PPI’s civil reference manuals.
The Study Guide is organized to make the most of your time and is an essential tool for a successful exam experience. Relevant sections from the NCEES Handbook, design standards, and PPI’s reference manuals are clearly indicated in both summary lists for each exam specification and in each of the detailed entries covering a specific concept or equation.
Referenced PPI Products:
- PE Civil Reference Manual
- Structural Depth Reference Manual for the PE Civil Exam
- Construction Depth Reference Manual for the PE Civil Exam
- Transportation Depth Reference Manual for the PE Civil Exam
- Water Resources and Environmental Depth Reference Manual for the PE Civil Exam
Referenced Codes and Standards:
- 2015 International Building Code (ICC)
- A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways & Streets (AASHTO)
- AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (AASHTO)
- AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
- Building Code Requirements & Specification for Masonry Structures (ACI 530)
- Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete & Commentary (ACI 318)
- Design & Construction of Driven Pile Foundations (FHWA)
- Design & Construction of Driven Pile Foundations—Volume I (FHWA)
- Design & Control of Concrete Mixtures (PCA)
- Design Loads on Structures During Construction (ASCE 37)
- Formwork for Concrete (ACI SP-4)
- Foundations & Earth Structures, Design Manual 7.02
- Geotechnical Aspects of Pavements (FHWA)
- Guide for the Planning, Design, & Operation of Pedestrian Facilities (AASHTO)
- Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground (ACI 360R)
- Guide to Formwork for Concrete (ACI 347R)
- Highway Capacity Manual (TRB)
- Highway Safety Manual (AASHTO)
- Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts (FHWA)
- LRFD Seismic Analysis & Design of Transportation Geotechnical Features & Structural Foundations Reference Manual (FHWA)
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (FHWA)
- Minimum Design Loads for Buildings & Other Structures (ASCE/SEI 7)
- National Design Specification for Wood Construction (AWC)
- Occupational Safety & Health Regulations for the Construction Industry (OSHA 1926)
- Occupational Safety & Health Standards (OSHA 1910)
- PCI Design Handbook: Precast & Prestressed Concrete (PCI)
- Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities (TSS)
- Roadside Design Guide (AASHTO)
- Soils & Foundations Reference Manual—Volume I & II (FHWA)
- Steel Construction Manual (AISC)
- Structural Welding Code—Steel (AWS)
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
Available in Print or eTextbook
Build exam day confidence and strengthen time-management skills- Effectively familiarize you with the exam scope and format
- Demonstrate accurate and efficient problem-solving approaches
- Successfully connect relevant theory to exam-like problems
- Efficiently navigate through exam-adopted codes and standards
Confidently solve problems under timed conditions
Topics Include:
- Site Characterization
- Soil Mechanics, Laboratory Testing, and Analysis
- Field Materials Testing, Methods, and Safety
- Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Loads
- Earth Structures
- Groundwater Seepage
- Problematic Soils and Rock Conditions
- Earth Retaining Structures
- Shallow Foundations
- Deep Foundations
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
- Regular content updates
Available in Print or eTextbook
Problems and Detailed Solutions for Comprehensive Exam Prep
- Deep Foundations
- Earth Retaining Structures
- Earth Structures
- Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Loads
- Field Materials Testing, Methods, and Safety
- Groundwater and Seepage
- Problematic Soil and Rock Conditions
- Shallow Foundations
- Site Characterization
- Soil Mechanics, Lab Testing, and Analysis
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
Available in Print or eTextbook
Michael R. Lindeburg, PE's PE Civil Practice Problems, 16th Edition (CEPP16) offers the most comprehensive practice on the market for the PE Civil exam. Containing over 900 exam-like problems covering breadth and depth topics, this book features easy-to-follow, step-by-step solutions, and is designed to reinforce your knowledge of the topics presented in the PE Civil Reference Manual to build exam day confidence.
PE Civil Practice Problems includes exam-like problems that cover the following topics:
- Breadth (project planning, means and methods, soil mechanics, and more)
- Construction (earthwork construction and Layout, Estimating, Scheduling, and more)
- Geotechnical (site characterization, soil mechanics, earth structures, foundations, and more)
- Structural (analysis of structures, codes and construction, and more)
- Transportation (traffic engineering, horizontal design, intersection geometry, signal design, and more)
- Water Resources and Environmental (hydraulics, water quality, engineering economic analysis, and more)
Pair the PE Civil Practice Problems with the PE Civil Reference Manual for a comprehensive review, and the PE Civil Study Guide to maximize your problem-solving efficiency and build exam-day readiness.
*eTextbook access benefits include:
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
- Conversion Factors
- Temperature Conversions
- The Elements
- Fundamental and Derived Constants
- Astronomical Data
- Greek Alphabet
- Prefixes (SI and Binary)
- Decimal Equivalents
Looking for PE Civil Geotechnical study bundles?
Individual books and study tools are also included in our PE Civil Geotechnical Bundles at a discounted price.
PE Civil Mobile App
Download the PE Civil Engineering Exam Prep and get access to hundreds of flashcards. Available in the Google Play and Apple Store.