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FE Exam
- Nondisclosure agreement (2 minutes)
- Tutorial (8 minutes)
- Exam (5 hours and 20 minutes)
- Scheduled break (25 minutes)
You can divide your time between the two sessions any way you’d like. For example, if you want to spend 4 hours in the first section, and 1 hour and 20 minutes in the second section, you could do so. Between sessions, you can take a 25-minute break. You can take less time if you would like, but you cannot work through the break, and the break time cannot be added to the time permitted for either session.
Once each session begins, you can leave your seat for personal reasons, but the “clock” does not stop for your absence. Unanswered questions are scored the same as questions answered incorrectly, so you should use the last few minutes of each session to guess at all unanswered questions.
Yes. The FE exam consists of 110 computer-based, multiple-choice questions.
- FE Chemical: 73%
- FE Civil: 62%
- FE Electrical and Computer: 73%
- FE Environmental: 70%
- FE Industrial: 62%
- FE Mechanical: 71%
- FE Other Disciplines: 65%
- FE Chemical (effective beginning July 1, 2020)
- FE Civil (effective beginning July 1, 2020)
- FE Electrical and Computer (effective beginning July 1, 2020)
- FE Environmental (effective beginning July 1, 2020)
- FE Industrial and Systems (effective beginning July 1, 2020)
- FE Mechanical (effective beginning July 1, 2020)
- FE Other Disciplines (effective beginning July 1, 2020)
The NCEES FE exam (Fundamentals of Engineering exam) is the first exam you will need to pass in order to become a professional licensed engineer (PE). You can take the FE exam as early as your last year in an undergraduate engineering degree program. Many exam candidates take the FE exam right after graduation.
Bring proper identification (a government-issued ID, military ID, or passport) with you on exam day. The NCEES also recommends bringing a copy of your appointment confirmation letter to speed up the check-in process. You can take one NCEES-approved calculator, eyeglasses, a sweater or jacket, and anything else on the Comfort Aid List into the exam room as well.
PE Exam
Some states require a BS degree from an ABET-accredited engineering program to sit for the PE exam. Other states allow you to take the PE exam with a degree in engineering technology, physics, math, or chemistry—or without any degree—as long as you’ve met the required work experience. Check your state requirements to see if you can take the PE exam without an engineering degree.
The PE exams are not considered easy to pass, but the exam will become easier if the content reflects topics that you're familiar with from your current line of work. Think about your career goals when considering the PE exam. Are you seeking a promotion in your current role? You should select the exam that best supports your current career. Are you trying to switch industries? Choose the exam that will set you up for success in your new field. Rather than seek out the easiest PE exam, select the one that will support your goals.
Most states allow you to take the PE exam after passing your FE exam and gaining at least four years of post-college work experience. However, some states now allow examinees to sit for the PE exam before completing their work experience. Check your state requirements to see when you’re qualified to sit for the exam.
ARE Exam
- Practice Management (80 items, 2 hours and 45 minutes test duration)
- Project Management (90 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Programming & Analysis (95 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Project Planning & Design (120 items, 4 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Project Development & Documentation (120 items, 4 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Construction & Evaluation (95 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Practice Management: 51%
- Project Management: 62%
- Programming & Analysis: 53%
- Project Planning & Design: 46%
- Project Development & Documentation: 53%
- Construction & Evaluation: 70%
ARE 5.0 has a mixture of item types. There is not a set percentage of any one type of item type on an exam. Here are the item types found on the ARE 5.0:
- Multiple Choice
- Check-All-That-Apply
- Hotspot
- Drag-and-Place
- Quantitative Fill-in-the-Blank
- Case Study
There are five different item types utilized during each ARE 5.0 exam division. Here are the item types:
- Multiple Choice
- Check-All-That-Apply
- Hotspot
- Drag-and-Place
- Quantitative Fill-in-the-Blank
- Programming and Site Analysis
- Relationship between Human Behavior and the Designed Environment
- Design Communication Techniques
- Life Safety and Universal Design
- Interior Building Materials and Finishes
- Technical Specifications for Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment and Lighting
- Construction Drawings, Schedules, and Specifications
- Professional Development and Ethics
- Project Assessment and Sustainability
- Project Process, Roles, and Coordination
- Professional Business Practices
- Code Requirements, Laws, Standards, and Regulations
- Integration with Building Systems and Construction
- Integration of Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment
- Contract Administration
- Programming, Planning, and Analysis
- Code Requirements, Laws, Standards, and Regulations
- Integration with Building Systems and Construction
- Contract Documents
The NCIDQ exam is divided into three sections:
- Interior Design Fundamentals Exam (IDFX),
- Interior Design Professional Exam (IDPX),
- Interior Design Practicum Exam (PRAC),
PPI Subscription FAQs
PPI offers a variety of subscriptions that are paired up to work perfectly with your exam review. Each subscription has a predetermined length, that we refer to as the "subscription term". For weekly subscriptions, 1 term equals 1 week of access. For monthly subscriptions, 1 term equals 1 month of access. Your subscription term is communicated on the product page, in the shopping cart prior to checkout, and in your subscription details after purchase.
Subscriptions start immediately upon completion of purchase. For monthly subscriptions, you'll be charged on the same day each month.
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