ARE® Exam Prep - All Divisions

Explore available comprehensive study materials for the ARE 5.0 exam.

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ARE 5.0 All Divisions Exam Prep Bundle Options

This NCARB multi-divisional exam is computer-based, and our bundles are designed to make sure you have everything you need for exam day success. If you plan to sit for all divisions, we have a print bundle option for you or our recommended route is to use our division specific Learning Hub bundles. Click a division below for those bundle options.

About the ARE 5.0 Print Bundle (All Divisions)

This collection of resources provides everything you need to pass all divisions of the ARE 5.0 exam the first time. The review materials in this bundle are updated to the current exam specs, contain thorough coverage of project management principles, and include numerous practice problems to challenge your knowledge of the concepts. This curated bundle includes David Ballast's NCARB approved ARE 5.0 Exam Review, the #1 review manual in the industry, practice problems, and the most realistic mock exams on the market. PPI’s time-tested, detailed instructional design provides you with the most efficient and effective practice available.

What's Included:

Print Materials
ARE 5 Exam Review Book Cover
NCARB Approved for ARE 5.0 Exam Prep

PPI's second edition of ARE 5.0 Exam Review by David Ballast offers a comprehensive review of content areas covered in all six NCARB ARE 5.0 exam divisions. Building on the first edition, the content has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to the ARE 5.0 exam objectives for all six divisions.

Features Include:

  • 200 new pages of content to provide up-to-date exam coverage for all ARE 5.0 exam objectives
  • a thorough review of all exam objectives to prepare you to pass all six divisions
  • over 150 example questions reinforce what you’ve learned and clarify how to apply key architectural concepts
  • pages tabbed in six different colors, one for each division, for easy lookup of a particular exam division
  • hundreds of tables and figures to facilitate referencing and problem solving
  • advice, tips, and exam taking strategies to prepare you for exam day
ARE 5 Practice Questions Book Cover

PPI’s best-selling ARE practice book from David Ballast, prepares you for each of the six divisions of the exam with a variety of practice questions and case studies. This new edition builds on the previous edition with new questions and updates to cover content feedback received from NCARB for the NCARB approved ARE 5.0 Exam Review. The chapters in the book correspond to ARE 5.0 Exam Review so you can read a chapter of the exam review and then practice from the same chapter of ARE 5.0 Practice Questions.

  • Practice Management - 78 questions, 2 case studies
  • Project Management - 61 questions, 2 case studies
  • Programming & Analysis - 99 questions, 2 case studies
  • Project Planning & Design - 138 questions, 2 case studies
  • Project Development & Documentation - 117 questions, 2 case studies
  • Construction & Evaluation - 71 questions, 2 case studies
ARE 5 Mock Exams Book Cover

This David Ballast book contains six mock exams consistent with the NCARB Architect Registration Exam (ARE 5.0) format and divisions. All exam divisions are covered, with one mock exam for each ARE 5.0 division. This new edition builds on the previous edition with new questions and updates to cover content feedback received from NCARB for the NCARB approved ARE 5.0 Exam Review.

  • Practice Management - 80 questions
  • Project Management - 95 questions
  • Programming & Analysis - 95 questions
  • Project Planning & Design - 120 questions
  • Project Development & Documentation - 120 questions
  • Construction & Evaluation - 95 questions
ARE 5.0 Flash Cards
ARE 5.0 Flash Cards, Second Edition by Gary E. Demele is the perfect complement to your study routine. More than 400 flashcards, categorized by exam division and section, aid you in recalling key concepts and definitions. Easily taken on the go, the cards come with six binder rings for easy organization.

Purchase Options

Print Bundle: ARE 5.0 Exam, All Six Divisions

This print bundle provides everything you need to pass all six ARE 5.0 division exams the first time, including the NCARB-approved ARE 5.0 Exam Review, 2nd Edition, and the most realistic practice problems on the market. PPI’s time-tested, detailed instructional design provides you with efficient and effective practice. 

Products included: 

  • NCARB-Approved ARE 5.0 Exam Review by David Kent Ballast and Steven E. O'Hara: Organized by division, this book was thoroughly updated to the 5.0 exam objectives for all six divisions of the ARE, and is approved by NCARB as an exam prep resource. 
  • ARE 5.0 Practice Questions by Holly Williams Leppo, David Kent Ballast, and Rima Taher: Over 550 questions covering all six divisions. Questions have been updated to support the Exam Review chapters. Study a chapter of ARE 5.0 Exam Review, then practice with the ARE 5.0 Practice Questions
  • ARE 5.0 Mock Exams by Holly Williams Leppo, David Kent Ballast, and Rima Taher: Six full-length mock exams to assess your exam day readiness, one for each division of ARE 5.0.
  • ARE 5 in a Flash by Gary E. Demele: Over 400 flashcards organized by division to complement your study routine and aid you in recalling key concepts and definitions.

Choose Your ARE 5.0 Exam Division to Explore PPI Learning Hub Bundle Options

PPI ARE Learning Hub Bundles are our recommended exam prep route.

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Exam Details for the ARE 5.0 Exam

The Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) consists of six divisional exams designed to assess your knowledge and skills regarding the practice of architecture. Each division exam can be taken in any order, but all six must be passed as a key step on the path to earning a license. The ARE is designed to assess aspects of architectural practice related to health, safety, and welfare. For more information click below. 

ARE 5.0 Exam FAQs

All six divisional exams must be completed within a 5-year period, which begins on the date of the first division passed. According to NCARB, the average time frame to complete all six exams in 2018 was 2.2 years.

There are five different item types utilized during each ARE 5.0 exam division. Here are the item types:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Check-All-That-Apply
  • Hotspot
  • Drag-and-Place
  • Quantitative Fill-in-the-Blank
To better assess your skills and abilities, each exam division contains two Case Studies. A Case Study presents a scenario that represents an architecture project and includes supporting resources. Using the information provided, you'll be asked to answer questions related to the scenario.
  • Practice Management: 51%
  • Project Management: 62% 
  • Programming & Analysis: 53% 
  • Project Planning & Design: 46% 
  • Project Development & Documentation: 53% 
  • Construction & Evaluation: 70%
ARE 5.0 is a computer-based test and has content divided into six divisions that may be taken in any order. They are: 
  • Practice Management (80 items, 2 hours and 45 minutes test duration)
  • Project Management (90 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
  • Programming & Analysis (95 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration) 
  • Project Planning & Design (120 items, 4 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
  • Project Development & Documentation (120 items, 4 hours and 15 minutes test duration) 
  • Construction & Evaluation (95 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration) 
For more information, you can visit the
The Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) is a multi-division exam used to assess your knowledge and skills regarding the practice of architecture. The current version of the exam, ARE 5.0, is developed by NCARB and features six divisions. Completing the ARE 5.0 exam by passing all six divisions is required by all US jurisdictions as a key step on the path to earning a license. The division exams can be taken in any order but must be taken and passed within a five-year period in order to qualify for architecture licensure.  

ARE 5.0 has a mixture of item types. There is not a set percentage of any one type of item type on an exam. Here are the item types found on the ARE 5.0:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Check-All-That-Apply
  • Hotspot
  • Drag-and-Place
  • Quantitative Fill-in-the-Blank
  • Case Study
The tests are administered at Prometric test centers and must be scheduled three days in advance. 

In addition to testing, there are other education and work experience requirements that must be fulfilled to earn a license. For more information on additional requirements, exam policies, and eligibility, please visit the NCARB website.

What Our Customers Say

“I passed my Project Management Exam. On the first attempt! Pretty much the only study resource I used was PPI2Pass. Thank you!”
ARE Customer
“The practice exams where very useful. They are similar to the ARE test format but some key aspects vary.”
ARE Customer
“Used the online month to month subscription to study for the ARE. I found the study guide tool very helpful for creating a structured study schedule.”
ARE Customer
“The ARE practice exam questions/quiz questions and explanations are great. PPI2Pass is worth the money and it's resources certainly help you identify your strengths and areas of weakness.”
ARE Customer
“Questions on quizzes were exactly what I needed to make me think a little deeper and a little harder, exactly what NCARB wants you to do on the exams.”
ARE Customer
“I've appreciated using PPI to prepare for my exams. I am happy that as I am going through the exam, I can contribute by leaving feedback on the questions.”
ARE Customer
“I have used PPI Learning Hub for all of my exams so far (3 total), and it has been an excellent part of my study routine and I have recommended it to several people. I love that I can access the flashcards and practice quizzes and exams on my phone so I can study anywhere. I also enjoy having a method of studying that is computer based (vs. books) since it is similar to the exam.”
ARE Customer
“The question bank is great - I've passed my tests so far by getting familiar with the content provided.”
ARE Customer
“I thought the platform was great for what I needed it for.”
ARE Customer
"I think the variety of material covered in all of the questions and flashcards are great and a great addition to my studying.”
ARE Customer
“PPI is a very useful studying tool! The way that it's broken down really helps one focus on their studies!”
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