Master your exam with guidance from licensed engineers.
Explore FE Other Disciplines Exam Prep Course Options
Planning to earn your engineering license, but still haven’t decided on a track? The FE Other Disciplines exam will allow you to keep advancing. Join the thousands of students who trust PPI with their FE exam prep each year, and we’ll make sure you have all the support you need to pass.
About the Live Online FE Other Disciplines Prep Course
If you are looking for an instructor-guided review (with a passing guarantee!) for your NCEES FE Other Discipline Exam, the Live Online Course Bundle is for you.
What Sets PPI Apart?
- Our newly-redesigned eLearning platform. The easy-to-navigate interface, exam-like features, and expert design of our new eLearning platform give you the best possible exam prep experience.
- Instruction from professional engineers. Learn directly from industry experts with a unique mix of lectures, problem-solving demonstrations, exam strategy sessions, and office hours.
- Complete coverage of every topic on the NCEES FE Other Discipline Exam. Our lectures, course materials, and homework assignments thoroughly cover every topic you’ll see on exam day.
- Trusted exam prep materials designed to help you pass. You'll receive reference materials, homework assignments, detailed class notes, as well as access to online quizzes, practice exams, flashcards, and more.
- Access to prep materials before and after your course. Start preparing right away with early access to study tools, plus access your course for one additional month after it ends to ensure you can study up to your exam date.
- Schedules that span 4 to 6 months. With our decades of instructional design experience, you don't have to worry about “cramming” for your exam. We provide a structured study schedule of assignments to keep you on track.
- Prep materials that are always updated. Our content is always updated to the most current NCEES exam specifications and codes.
- Our reputation as leaders in FE and PE exam prep. We have been preparing engineers for their FE and PE exams since 1975. Our courses are high quality and based on decades of experience.
- A passing guarantee. When you take a Live Online course, we guarantee you will pass, or you can take the OnDemand course for free.
Why Enroll in a Course Now?
- Monthly Payment Options with Affirm: Pay off your course over 3, 6, or 12 months with our convenient Affirm payment plans.
- Risk-Free Enrollment: We offer Risk-Free Enrollment should you need to transfer or cancel your enrollment because you are not able to sit for your exam.
- Secure Your Spot: Courses fill up fast! By enrolling now, you don’t have to worry about your course potentially being full closer to the start date.
Live Online Lecture Demo
Learning Platform Demo
What's Included:
Interact with your instructor and other classmates during Live Online lectures. Watch bite-sized video lectures in between classes, then ask the instructor questions during live lecture. Live Lecture also features exclusive problem-solving content to review during class. Live lectures on scheduled dates/times help provide structure throughout your course.
Connect with your instructor on discussion forums and by email. Your instructor is an expert with years of real-world professional experience and is here to guide you every step of the way.
Live office hours, strategically placed in the schedule, provide time for additional Q&A and problem solving with your instructor.
All Live Online lectures are recorded and posted the next day for additional viewing in case you are unable to attend or want to re-watch an important topic.
Interact with your classmates on forums and live lecture chats to discuss your exam prep experiences and talk through exam topics.
New Videos Available! Watch new, bite-sized video lectures to help understand key concepts for the exam.
Upon registration for your course, you will gain instant access to OnDemand lectures to get your exam prep started.
All presentation slides are downloadable, providing you the opportunity to take notes as you follow along with your instructor.
Proven test-taking and time-management tips from your instructor are provided throughout your course to prepare you for exam-day success.

Michael R. Lindeburg, PE's FE Other Disciplines Practice Problems web book contains problems similar in length and format, references to NCEES FE Reference Handbook, and step-by-step solutions to ensure confidence on exam day. The online Web Book format allows you to first read a chapter of the Review Manual, then solve all related practice problems from the Practice Problems book.

Purchase Options
May - August Course
September - December Course
About the OnDemand FE Other Disciplines Prep Course
This OnDemand Course Bundle was created to help you study at your own pace, but also choose the course time frame that works best for you. We leverage 50 years of FE Other Disciplines exam prep experience when designing our OnDemand courses, offering you a thorough review of every NCEES exam topic. Our professional engineers have real-world experience and will guide you through each step of your exam prep. Choose between the 3-month, 6-month, or 1-year options.
Every PPI OnDemand course comes with:
- Instruction from professional engineers. Includes 70+ hours of recorded lectures, problem-solving demonstrations, and exam strategy sessions.
- Trusted exam prep materials designed to help you pass. You'll receive reference materials, detailed class notes, and more.
- PPI’s Learning Hub with practice exams, a Qbank, flashcards, and so much more!
Access Time
Access to your OnDemand Course begins immediately upon purchase. For 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year courses, access ends automatically at the end of your chosen duration. For monthly and weekly courses, access renews monthly or weekly until you cancel the subscription.
Live Online Lecture Demo
Learning Platform Demo
What's Included:
New Videos Available! Watch new, bite-sized video lectures to help understand key concepts for the exam.
Upon registration for your course, you will gain instant access to OnDemand lectures to get your exam prep started.
All presentation slides are downloadable, providing you the opportunity to take notes as you follow along with your instructor.
Proven test-taking and time-management tips from your instructor are provided throughout your course to prepare you for exam-day success.

Michael R. Lindeburg, PE's FE Other Disciplines Practice Problems web book contains problems similar in length and format, references to NCEES FE Reference Handbook, and step-by-step solutions to ensure confidence on exam day. The online Web Book format allows you to first read a chapter of the Review Manual, then solve all related practice problems from the Practice Problems book.

Purchase Options
Select an Access Period
Recurring Subscription
About Learning Hub
The Learning Hub Bundle is perfect for those who need a refresher before the exam. The review materials in this bundle are updated to the current NCEES exam specs, contain thorough coverage of other disciplines engineering principles, and include numerous practice problems to challenge your knowledge of the concepts. This curated bundle includes FE Other Disciplines Review web book, practice problems, and the most realistic practice exams on the market.
PPI Learning Hub is the go-to destination for FE Other Disciplines exam prep. The Learning Hub is more than an eLearning platform—it is a time-tested program that guides examinees through their exam prep from start to finish. Our philosophy has a simple framework: kick-off your studies with a personalized PPI Study Plan, then “Assess, Review, Practice” until you are ready for exam day.
PPI Learning Hub is ideal if you need to review key knowledge areas and would like extensive practice to be part of your exam preparation.
Access Time
Access to Learning Hub begins immediately upon purchase. For 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year Learning Hub products, access ends automatically at the end of your chosen duration. For monthly and weekly Learning Hub products, access renews monthly or weekly until you cancel the subscription.
Learning Platform Demo
What's Included:

Michael R. Lindeburg, PE's FE Other Disciplines Practice Problems web book contains problems similar in length and format, references to NCEES FE Reference Handbook, and step-by-step solutions to ensure confidence on exam day. The online Web Book format allows you to first read a chapter of the Review Manual, then solve all related practice problems from the Practice Problems book.

Purchase Options
Select an Access Period
Recurring Subscription
Class Options for the Live Online Course Bundle
Expand the list below to show all available Live Online class dates and information.
Exam Details for the FE Other Disciplines Exam
- The FE Other Disciplines exam is typically one of the first steps on the path to becoming a licensed engineer. It’s a closed-book, computer-based exam and includes 110 questions. The exam appointment time is 6 hours long and includes:
- Nondisclosure agreement (2 minutes)
- Tutorial (8 minutes)
- Exam (5 hours and 20 minutes)
- Optional scheduled break (25 minutes)
- The only resource you will have on exam day is a digital version of the NCEES FE Reference Handbook
- The exam is administered year-round at NCEES-approved Pearson VUE test centers
- The exam fee is $225
- The average pass rate of a first-time taker of the FE Other Disciplines exam is 63% as of July 2024.
Prerequisites and requirements before taking the exam vary by state, so please visit the NCEES website for more information.
- Analytic geometry and trigonometry
- Differential equations
- Numerical methods (e.g., algebraic equations, roots of equations, approximations, precision limits, convergence)
- Linear algebra (e.g., matrix operations)
- Single-variable calculus
- Estimation (e.g., point, confidence intervals)
- Expected value and expected error in decision making
- Sample distributions and sizes (e.g., significance, hypothesis testing, non-normal distributions)
- Goodness of fit (e.g., correlation coefficient, standard errors, R2)
- Oxidation and reduction (e.g., reactions, corrosion control)
- Acids and bases (e.g., pH, buffers)
- Chemical reactions (e.g., stoichiometry, equilibrium, bioconversion)
- Sensors (e.g., temperature, pressure, motion, pH, chemical constituents)
- Data acquisition (e.g., logging, sampling rate, sampling range, filtering, amplification, signal interface, signal processing, analog/digital [A/D], digital/analog [D/A], digital)
- Logic diagrams
- Codes of ethics (e.g., identifying and solving ethical dilemmas)
- Public protection issues (e.g., licensing boards)
- Societal impacts (e.g., economic, sustainability, life-cycle analysis, environmental, public safety)
- Industrial hygiene (e.g., carcinogens, toxicology, exposure limits, radiation exposure, biohazards, half-life)
- Basic safety equipment (e.g., pressure-relief valves, emergency shutoffs, fire prevention and control, personal protective equipment)
- Gas detection and monitoring (e.g., O2, CO, CO2, CH4, H2S, radon)
- Electrical safety
- Confined space entry and ventilation rates
- Hazard communications (e.g., SDS, proper labeling, concentrations, fire ratings, safety equipment)
- Time value of money (e.g., present worth, annual worth, future worth, rate of return)
- Cost analysis (e.g., incremental, average, sunk, estimating)
- Economic analyses (e.g., break-even, benefit-cost, optimal economic life)
- Uncertainty (e.g., expected value and risk)
- Project selection (e.g., comparison of projects with unequal lives, lease/buy/make, depreciation, discounted cash flow, decision trees)
- Vector analysis
- Force systems (e.g., resultants, concurrent, distributed)
- Force couple systems
- Equilibrium of rigid bodies (e.g., support reactions)
- Internal forces in rigid bodies (e.g., trusses, frames, machines)
- Area properties (e.g., centroids, moments of inertia, radius of gyration, parallel axis theorem)
- Static friction
- Free-body diagrams
- Weight and mass computations (e.g., slug, lbm, lbf, kg, N, ton, dyne, g, gc)
- Particle and rigid-body kinematics
- Linear motion (e.g., force, mass, acceleration)
- Angular motion (e.g., torque, inertia, acceleration)
- Mass moment of inertia
- mpulse and momentum (e.g., linear, angular)
- Work, energy, and power
- Dynamic friction
- Vibrations (e.g., natural frequency)
- Stress types (e.g., normal, shear)
- Combined loading–principle of superposition
- Stress and strain caused by axial loads, bending loads, torsion, or transverse shear forces
- Shear and moment diagrams
- Analysis of beams, trusses, frames, and columns
- Loads and deformations (e.g., axial-extension, torque-angle of twist, moment-rotation)
- Stress transformation and principal stresses, including stress-based yielding and fracture criteria (e.g., Mohr's circle, maximum normal stress, Tresca, von Mises)
- Material failure (e.g., Euler buckling, creep, fatigue, brittle fracture, stress concentration factors, factor of safety, and allowable stress)
- Physical (phase diagrams) properties of materials (e.g., alloy phase diagrams, phase equilibrium, and phase change)
- Mechanical properties of materials
- Chemical properties of materials
- Thermal properties of materials
- Electrical properties of materials
- Material selection
- Fluid properties (e.g., Newtonian, non-Newtonian, liquids and gases)
- Dimensionless numbers (e.g., Reynolds number, Froude number, Mach number)
- Laminar and turbulent flow
- Fluid statics (e.g., hydrostatic head)
- Energy, impulse, and momentum equations (e.g., Bernoulli equation)
- Pipe and duct flow and friction losses (e.g., pipes, valves, fittings, laminar, transitional and turbulent flow)
- Open-channel flow (e.g., Manning’s equation, drag)
- Fluid transport systems (e.g., series and parallel operations)
- Flow measurement (e.g., pitot tube, venturi meter, weir)
- Turbomachinery (e.g., pumps, turbines, fans, compressors)
- Ideal gas law (e.g., mixtures of nonreactive gases)
- Real gas law (e.g., z factor)
- Electrical fundamentals (e.g., charge, current, voltage, resistance, power, energy)
- Current and voltage laws (e.g., Kirchhoff, Ohm)
- AC and DC circuits (e.g., real and imaginary components, complex numbers, power factor, reactance and impedance, series, parallel, capacitance and inductance, RLC circuits)
- Measuring devices (e.g., voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter)
- Three-phase power (e.g., motor efficiency, balanced loads, power equation)
- Thermodynamic laws (e.g., first law, second law)
- Thermodynamic equilibrium
- Thermodynamic properties (e.g., entropy, enthalpy, heat capacity)
- Thermodynamic processes (e.g., isothermal, adiabatic, reversible, irreversible)
- Heat transfer (e.g., conduction, convection, radiation)
- Mass and energy balances
- Property and phase diagrams (e.g., T-s, P-h, P-v)
- Combustion and combustion products (e.g., CO, CO2, NOX, ash, particulates)
- Psychrometrics (e.g., relative humidity, wet bulb)
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FE Other Disciplines Exam FAQs
The FE Other Disciplines exam covers the following topics:
- Mathematics
- Probability and Statistics
- Chemistry
- Instrumentation and Controls
- Engineering Ethics and Societal Impacts
- Safety, Health, and Environment
- Engineering Economics
- Statics
- Dynamics
- Strength of Materials
- Materials
- Fluid Mechanics
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer