Tips for Architecture Students from David Kent Ballast, FAIA, CSI, NCIDQ
By: David Kent Ballast, FAIA, CSI, NCIDQ
March 25, 2021

David Kent Ballast, FAIA, CSI, NCIDQ Certification No. 9425, owns Architectural Research Consulting, a firm offering information and management service to architects, interior designers, and the construction industry. Mr. Ballast taught interior construction and other courses at Arapahoe Community College for over 20 years. A licensed architect in the state of Colorado, Mr. Ballast has written many books on design topics.
What is most rewarding about being an architect?
One of the most enjoyable and rewarding things about being an architect or interior designer is the variety of work you are doing. One day it may be designing a hotel lobby, and another day it may be resolving a zoning issue.
What advice would you give someone pursuing a career in architecture?
One piece of advice when getting into a career of architecture or interior design is to learn everything you can and be able to perform a wide variety of jobs. This makes you more valuable as a worker and employed if times get tough!
What is the key to architecture success?
The key to being a good architect or interior designer is the ability to solve problems of any type. Architecture and interior design are right brain AND left brain activities; don’t get stuck on one or the other.
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Can you tell us about an interesting project you have worked on?
One of the most interesting projects I have worked on was the rehabilitation and remodeling of a large indoor amusement park and shopping mall. It was a large team effort, and, among other things, I ended up detailing the ceiling of the new bumper car ride! You must be flexible and able to do new things in the design professions.
What advice would you give an interior designer?
Interior designers should know as much as possible about architecture; it makes you a better designer and able to team with architects.
What career advice would you give a recently licensed architect?
As career advice, I would say don’t get typecast in one specialty if you don’t want to; learn much, and follow your dream.
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