PE Structural Bridges Practice Problems with Solutions

Print Book or eTextbook* Option

David Micnhimer’s PE Structural Bridges Practice Problems with Solutions (STBR) is a book designed to help practice for Bridge questions on the PE Structural (SE) Exam. This book is a comprehensive review of different types of bridge questions you can encounter on the breadth portion of the exam.

Features of this book:

  • 77 multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge of bridge design
  • Complete solutions show you step-by-step how to solve problems
*eTextbook access benefits include:
  • One year of access
  • Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
  • An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
  • Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
  • Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review

Paperback or eTextbook
PID# 597999


Due to copyright, PPI VitalSource etextbooks cannot be printed. Most PPI books are also available in printed format as an add-on option on our website. 

Some states require a BS degree from an ABET-accredited engineering program to sit for the PE exam. Other states allow you to take the PE exam with a degree in engineering technology, physics, math, or chemistry—or without any degree—as long as you’ve met the required work experience. Check your state requirements to see if you can take the PE exam without an engineering degree.

You should prioritize your engineering interests and professional background when determining which PE exam to take. The difficulty level of each discipline is also important to consider. Reach out to licensed engineers in your network for additional perspectives, too.
You can take most PE exams once per three-month testing window and no more than three times per year. Certain PE exams are only offered once per year in October. Some licensing boards are more restrictive, so check your state licensing board to confirm how often you can retake the exam.

Most states allow you to take the PE exam after passing your FE exam and gaining at least four years of post-college work experience. However, some states now allow examinees to sit for the PE exam before completing their work experience. Check your state requirements to see when you’re qualified to sit for the exam.

Our exam practice questions are exam-like, which means they reference the appropriate NCEES Handbook, they are a similar length to the real exam, and they use multiple-choice questions like the exam. Some questions may be a little easier or a little harder than the actual exam, but they are all designed to bring you success on exam day.
We recommend 200 to 300 hours of study time in order to prepare for the PE exam. If you have a full time job, that would be five to seven months spending 10 to 15 hours per week studying. Six months is a good starting point.

The PE exams are not considered easy to pass, but the exam will become easier if the content reflects topics that you're familiar with from your current line of work. Think about your career goals when considering the PE exam. Are you seeking a promotion in your current role? You should select the exam that best supports your current career. Are you trying to switch industries? Choose the exam that will set you up for success in your new field. Rather than seek out the easiest PE exam, select the one that will support your goals. 

It is an 8-hour exam. It contains 80 total questions: 40 multiple-choice questions in the 4-hour AM session, and 40 multiple-choice questions in the 4-hour PM session.
The PE structural exam is the only open-book exam remaining. All other PE exams are now closed-book computer-based exams, commonly referred to as CBT.
The PE exam can be difficult. The exam tests your competency in all aspects of engineering and should not be taken lightly. You should plan on taking several weeks to prepare and study before sitting for the exam. Here are the most recently updated PE exam pass rates.
The PE exam tests for a minimum level of competency in engineering. You need a minimum of four years of post-college work experience to be able to sit for the exam.

What Our Customers Say

“Just wanted to let you know, I received results for PE Exam today…PASS!! Thank you to PPI…Specifically Josh Ogle and Richard Austin, my instructors for the April 2021 review courses."
"The PPI surveying course was a good overview and provided many useful study materials. This course is particularly useful when paired with the PPI Civil PE Review Course since it amplifies some lessons you will have in the overall review session."
"The study materials are very useful. The key to passing the exam is to practice as much as you can."
"All you need to do to pass this exam is work all of the homework problems assigned, work both of the practice exams, and go to class. Also, ask questions! The instructors are more than happy to answer them for you. That's about it!"
"The course was great. Really helped with knowing just what kind of questions would be expected on the exam, and the review material was a great reference to bring to the exam!"
"There is no better way to get to know the contents of MERM than the PPI Review Course. Highly recommended as a foundation for PE preparation."
PE Mechanical Customer
"This course is a must for everyone. It is much more difficult than the actual test, but it will leave no stone unturned. You WILL be prepared for the exam if you attend the lectures and do the homework."
"The structure provided by the course is what I needed to force myself to sit down and study. The knowledge and test-taking tips from the instructor were very helpful. Course notes were a great reference on the exam. Quite often, class examples were very representative of actual exam problems."
"This was a good class overall. The best part was receiving a good study structure, being held accountable for doing it, and having a place to ask questions and review the concepts. I know this review course was the reason I passed. You also have to put in the effort, but it is worth it in the end."
"This test is definitely not one to attempt without some help or guidance. PPI does a solid job of keeping attendees on a schedule and giving them an overall review of the required materials."
"This course is a good review prior to taking the PE exam. The instructor offered valuable advice that only experience could bring. Thank you for your guidance and thank you PPI. I highly recommend this course to everybody who wants to pursue a technical career."
PE Mechanical Customer
“The instructor was very knowledgeable in the exam topic areas and answered all questions. The course materials were very helpful in learning what will be on the exam. It was often more difficult than the actual exam questions, but they will prepare you for the test."
"This review course is very rigorous, but the amount of problems and difficulty of subjects cover what you need to be prepared for the exam. The course also allows you to interact with other PE exam takers to be able to ask them questions and learn from other students.”
PE Mechanical Customer
“The instructor provided basic theory and techniques that were very helpful in the homework, practice exams, and, of course, the actual exam. There was also good feedback and help from the other students. It's definitely hard work, but definitely worth it!"
"I was very rusty in all of the areas I hadn't used in my day-to-day work. I have been out of school for 30 years, and the structured lectures and homework helped me get back in practice. I went into the exam nervous and left confident. I wouldn't have been able to do this without PPI."
"The course i s tailored to provide a structured roadmap to help you review all the required materials to master the PE exam. The instructor in particular was very helpful, and his tips were solid gold. I would definitely recommend the PPI course for future PE exam applicants."
"This course is a great resource for studying for the PE exam. The course follows a rigorous but helpful schedule. The office hours are a great resource for anyone who needs questions answered outside of class. I felt very prepared going into the exam."
PE Mechanical Customer
“The interaction with the instructor and other students was very helpful and gave some great insights for preparation as well as content and problem solving methods. You will not regret taking this prep course because it will make you feel absolutely ready when you enter those doors on exam day."
"This course is a very valuable tool to prepare for the exam. Not only does it give a structured study plan to follow, but the instructor follows the topic breakdown, which ensures you keep up on your end as well. The class material, homework, and discussions were all great for preparation.”
"This review course is well worth the time. The review materials are a good representation of what you could see on the PE exam. The live instructor feedback is valuable."