ARE Project Management Individual Study Products
Passing all six divisions of the ARE 5.0 exam is an important step to getting licensed, which is important to an architect's career. Each division exam tests a different aspect of architectural practice. The ARE 5.0 Project Management exam content will test your knowledge of overseeing, executing, coordinating, and budgeting architectural projects.
David Ballast's ARE 5.0 Exam Review, 2nd Edition is approved by NCARB for Project Management exam prep.
Shop individual architecture project management exam prep products below.
This print bundle provides everything you need to pass all six ARE 5.0 division exams the first time, including the NCARB-approved ARE 5.0 Exam Review, 2nd Edition, and the most realistic practice problems on the market. PPI’s time-tested, detailed instructional design provides you with efficient and effective practice.
Products included:
- NCARB-Approved ARE 5.0 Exam Review by David Kent Ballast and Steven E. O'Hara: Organized by division, this book was thoroughly updated to the 5.0 exam objectives for all six divisions of the ARE, and is approved by NCARB as an exam prep resource.
- ARE 5.0 Practice Questions by Holly Williams Leppo, David Kent Ballast, and Rima Taher: Over 550 questions covering all six divisions. Questions have been updated to support the Exam Review chapters. Study a chapter of ARE 5.0 Exam Review, then practice with the ARE 5.0 Practice Questions.
- ARE 5.0 Mock Exams by Holly Williams Leppo, David Kent Ballast, and Rima Taher: Six full-length mock exams to assess your exam day readiness, one for each division of ARE 5.0.
- ARE 5 in a Flash by Gary E. Demele: Over 400 flashcards organized by division to complement your study routine and aid you in recalling key concepts and definitions.
Available in Print or eTextbook
- NCARB approvals on all six divisions
- 200 new pages of content to provide up-to-date exam coverage for all ARE 5.0 exam objectives
- A thorough review of all exam objectives to prepare you to pass all six divisions
- Over 150 example questions reinforce what you’ve learned and clarify how to apply key architectural concepts
- Pages tabbed in six different colors, one for each division, for easy lookup of a particular exam division
- Hundreds of tables and figures to facilitate referencing and problem solving
- Advice, tips, and exam taking strategies to prepare you for exam day
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
- Regular content updates
Sample PDF
ARE 5.0 Flash Cards, 2nd Edition is the perfect complement to your study routine. More than 400 flashcards, categorized by exam division and section, aid you in recalling key concepts and definitions. Easily taken on the go, the cards come with six binder rings for easy organization.
- Coverage of all six divisions of ARE 5.0 with cards that match up to ARE 5.0 divisions and sections
- Unique content specific to each division of ARE 5.0
- Both question/answer formatting and answer/question formatting to help increase problem solving speed
- Six binder rings to divide your cards and customize your self-study learning experience
Sample PDF
Available in Print or eTextbook
ARE 5.0 Mock Exams, by Holly Williams Leppo, David Kent Ballast, and Rima Taher, contains six mock exams consistent with the NCARB Architect Registration Exam (ARE 5.0) format and divisions. All exam divisions are covered, with one mock exam for each ARE 5.0 division. This new edition builds on the previous edition with new questions and updates to cover content feedback received from NCARB for the ARE 5.0 Exam Review. The questions that were found to be appropriate during the review were kept in the new edition.
Enhance your time-management skills by taking each exam within the same time limit as the actual exam. Then, evaluate your performance using the six individual answer keys. Comprehensive and clear solutions demonstrate accurate and efficient problem-solving approaches.
Features Include:
- Over 600 realistic exam questions including: multiple choice, case study, check-all-that-apply, quantitative-fill-in-the-blank, drag-and-place, and hotspot to familiarize you with the question types you’ll encounter in the exam
- Each division includes the same number and types of questions and covers the same subject areas in its corresponding division of the ARE
- Pages tabbed in six different colors, one for each division, for easy lookup of a particular exam division
- Longer, more complex questions to challenge your skills in identifying and applying key architectural concepts
- Clearly written solutions that are complete and easy to follow to reinforce theory and application of fundamental concepts
- Practice Management - 80 questions
- Project Management - 95 questions
- Programming & Analysis - 95 questions
- Project Planning & Design - 120 questions
- Project Development & Documentation - 120 questions
- Construction & Evaluation - 95 questions
Available in Print or eTextbook
ARE 5.0 Practice Questions, PPI’s best-selling ARE practice book by Holly Williams Leppo, David Kent Ballast, and Rima Taher, prepares you for each of the six divisions of the exam with a variety of practice questions and case studies. This new edition builds on the previous edition with new questions and updates to cover content feedback received from NCARB for the ARE 5.0 Exam Review. The questions that were found to be appropriate during the review were kept in the new edition.
- Over 550 challenging practice questions for each subtopic that break down the information in the six exam divisions, allowing you to focus on specific areas
- Two case studies at the end of each division designed to test your ability to examine and use multiple pieces of information to make decisions about scenarios that could be encountered in the practice of architecture
- Clearly written solutions that are thorough and easy to follow, with units that are meticulously identified and carried through in all calculations to support theory and application of key concepts
- Questions include alternative item types including multiple choice, case study, check-all-that-apply, quantitative-fill-in-the-blank, drag-and-place, and hotspot to familiarize you with the types of questions you’ll encounter in the exam
- Pages tabbed in six different colors, one for each division, for easy lookup of a particular exam division
- Chapters correspond to David Ballast’s ARE 5.0 Exam Review so you can read a chapter of ARE 5.0 Exam Review and then practice from the same chapter of ARE 5.0 Practice Questions
- Practice Management - 78 questions, 2 case studies
- Project Management - 61 questions, 2 case studies
- Programming & Analysis - 99 questions, 2 case studies
- Project Planning & Design - 138 questions, 2 case studies
- Project Development & Documentation - 117 questions, 2 case studies
- Construction & Evaluation - 71 questions, 2 case studies
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
Available in Print or eTextbook
- Over 350 figures and tables
- More than 2,500 index entries
- Applicable Construction Specification Institute MasterFormat numbers in section heads
- Quick-reference boxed text containing supplementary information
- A chapter-by-chapter list of additional references
Topics Covered:
- Acoustics
- Decorative Metals
- Partitions
- Architectural Woodwork
- Doors and Hardware
- Security Systems
- Audiovisual Spaces
- Flooring Construction and Finishes
- Signage Systems
- Barrier-Free Design
- Glazing
- Structural Coordination
- Building Codes and Regulations
- Licensure
- Sustainable Design
- Building Investigation
- Means of Egress
- Wall Finishes
- Ceilings
- Mechanical and Electrical Systems Coordination
- One year of access
- Ability to download the entire eTextbook to multiple devices, so you can study even without internet access
- An auto sync feature across all your devices for a seamless experience on or offline
- Unique study tools such as highlighting in six different colors to tailor your study experience
- Features like read aloud for complete hands-free review
Looking for ARE Project Management study bundles?
Individual books and study tools are also included in our ARE 5.0 Project Management Bundles at a discounted price.
ARE 5.0 Mobile App
Download the Architecture 5.0 Exam Prep App and get access to hundreds of flashcards. Available in the Google Play and Apple Store.