ARE 5.0 Flash Cards, 2nd Edition
ARE 5.0 Flash Cards, 2nd Edition is the perfect complement to your study routine. More than 400 flashcards, categorized by exam division and section, aid you in recalling key concepts and definitions. Easily taken on the go, the cards come with six binder rings for easy organization.
Features Include:
- Coverage of all six divisions of ARE 5.0 with cards that match up to ARE 5.0 divisions and sections
- Unique content specific to each division of ARE 5.0
- Both question/answer formatting and answer/question formatting to help increase problem solving speed
- Six binder rings to divide your cards and customize your self-study learning experience
Sample PDF
PID# 621871
All six divisional exams must be completed within a 5-year period, which begins on the date of the first division passed. According to NCARB, the average time frame to complete all six exams in 2018 was 2.2 years.
There are five different item types utilized during each ARE 5.0 exam division. Here are the item types:
- Multiple Choice
- Check-All-That-Apply
- Hotspot
- Drag-and-Place
- Quantitative Fill-in-the-Blank
- Practice Management: 51%
- Project Management: 62%
- Programming & Analysis: 53%
- Project Planning & Design: 46%
- Project Development & Documentation: 53%
- Construction & Evaluation: 70%
ARE 5.0 is a computer-based test and has content divided into six divisions that may be taken in any order. They are:
- Practice Management (80 items, 2 hours and 45 minutes test duration)
- Project Management (90 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Programming & Analysis (95 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Project Planning & Design (120 items, 4 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Project Development & Documentation (120 items, 4 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
- Construction & Evaluation (95 items, 3 hours and 15 minutes test duration)
For more information, you can visit the
The Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) is a multi-division exam used to assess your knowledge and skills regarding the practice of architecture. The current version of the exam, ARE 5.0, is developed by NCARB and features six divisions. Completing the ARE 5.0 exam by passing all six divisions is required by all US jurisdictions as a key step on the path to earning a license. The division exams can be taken in any order but must be taken and passed within a five-year period in order to qualify for architecture licensure.
ARE 5.0 has a mixture of item types. There is not a set percentage of any one type of item type on an exam. Here are the item types found on the ARE 5.0:
- Multiple Choice
- Check-All-That-Apply
- Hotspot
- Drag-and-Place
- Quantitative Fill-in-the-Blank
- Case Study
The tests are administered at Prometric test centers and must be scheduled three days in advance.
In addition to testing, there are other education and work experience requirements that must be fulfilled to earn a license. For more information on additional requirements, exam policies, and eligibility, please visit the NCARB website.