Engineering Career Advice From TLC Engineering Solutions
September 28, 2020

We asked TLC Engineering Solutions to answer these commonly asked questions from engineering students. Read on for answers to your questions about hiring processes, engineering internships, engineering resumes, and more.
Q: How do you recruit potential hires?
A: We attend 8 college campuses every year, visiting a mix of Architectural Engineering programs and Engineering programs across the country. We receive over 400 applicants for our entry level openings so we’re really focused on looking for candidates that are hungry, motivated, and looking to excel in their field. Unemployment in engineering is about 2% so our goal is to find the best candidates for the positions we have available.
Thinking about taking the FE exam? Download the Preparing for the FE Exam eBook.
Q: What do you look for on a recent grad’s resume?
A: We look for experience outside of their education. We also look to see if a candidate has taken the NCEES FE exam. It’s not a requirement, but it brings someone to the top of our list if they have passed the exam in their discipline.
Q: Do you recommend that students take the FE exam?
A: Absolutely, I tell everyone to take the FE as early as possible. When they start their career, it’s likely they’ll work some overtime. At that point, it will be hard to make time to study for the exam. If they wait to take it, they are less likely to remember the material they learned in school making it will be more difficult to pass, so taking the FE exam before they graduate can be really valuable.
Q: When is the best time to take the FE exam?
A: Students should be looking to take the exam before they graduate. A few college campuses we visit have built passing the FE exam into their graduation requirements. If you’re school doesn’t require this, students should consider taking the exam before finals their senior year or right around graduation time.
Q: What advice would you give students who are about to enter the workforce?
A: Take the FE exam as soon as possible, make sure you are actively looking at internships your sophomore year and have internship hours before you graduate. If you’re thinking about taking the PE exam, communicate this to your hiring manager and look for companies that have PEs and will support you and encourage mentorship at their company.
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About the NCEES FE Exam
Passing the FE exam is necessary if you'd like to become a licensed engineer. See what to expect from the FE exam.

2024 FE Exam Pass Rates
Review the latest 2024 FE exam pass rates and learn about the FE exam scoring process.

How to Register for the FE Exam
Get step-by-step guidance on how to register for the FE exam.